Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Book lovers...

I've worked at some of Toronto's finest bookstore: Chapters, Pages (of Queen West), U of T Bookstore. And no matter where I have worked I always get the same couple of questions. The following answers are how I wished I could have replied.

1) Have you read this? (Pointing to a random book.)

Me: No, I have not read every book in this store. I have probably read more than you but there is only so much time in the day.

1a) Why haven't you read this book, I thought you worked in a bookstore?

Me: Because when I work at the bookstore I'm not allowed to read on the job. All the other times I am probably reading but again, there is only so much time.

2) I'm looking for a book….

Me: Great! Well, you have come to the right place! Because we are fresh out of bananas. Now, can you give me a little more? A title, author, genre, anything?! At Chapters we had a table with only red books on it because so many people would come in with no other defining information other than the book being red.

3) Where's your non-fiction section?

Me: See the wall of fiction? Now, see everything else? The everything-else is our non-fiction section. Be more specific.

4) What's a good book?

Me: What I find "good" and what you like may not necessarily mesh. What kind of books do you like? Fiction, graphic novels, the dreaded non-fiction: self-help books, biographies, business books, cultural studies, the list is endless.

5) (after giving endless recommendations, discussing 'good' books, comparing notes) Thanks I think I'll just go home and order this online. Bye.

Me: (exploding) Why?!

So the next time you have a question at a bookstore please be kind. And please support your local indie bookstores.

For more hilarious customer questions/comments at a bookstore make sure to check out the book, Weird things Customers Say in Bookshops by Jen Campbell. Also make sure to check out her tumblr where she adds new and exciting things customers do in bookshops on a regular basis.

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