Saturday, April 14, 2012

Caine's Arcade

This video has been making the rounds and I'm sure a lot of you have already seen it but for those of you who haven't please watch.

Caine's Arcade is a wonderful story about a 9 year old boy and his imagination. Bored at his dad's work Caine created an arcade out of cardboard. He didn't get a lot of attention until Nirvan Mullick created a Facebook invite and got as many people as possible to make Caine's day. Nirvan also produced this short film about the whole experience. Donations have been flooding in for Caine's college education. Imagine what he will build.

What inspired me most about this story is the kindness that Nirvan showed towards Caine and his family. Sure, Nirvan is getting a lot of attention from his film and Caine's Dad is probably seeing an increase in business at his shop. But what counts more than anything is the support and belief that these people had in Caine. The look on that boy's face when he and his Dad pull up to their shop is priceless. And it was amazing to me that Nirvan was the only customer who showed any interest in this boy's creation.

It's amazing to think of all the people and creations we pass by in our daily routine and take for granted. It doesn't take much to slow down and appreciate the world around you. It only takes a little more to recognize greatness and give it the push it needs to become something bigger.

Caine inspires me to think bigger and let my imagination bloom. Nirvan inspires me to see the greatness in others and use the tools I have (such as Facebook) to share that greatness with others.

What inspires you?

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